Bombay Land Revenue Code, 18791. Short title.
2. Local extent.
3. Interpretation section.
4. Chief controlling authority in revenue matters.
7. Division to be divided into districts.
7A. Power of State Government to alter limits of or to amalgamate or constitute villages.
8. Collector of the district.
8A. Additional Collectors.
9. Assistant and Deputy Collector.
10. Their duties and powers.
11. Collector of the district in case of temporary vacancy.
12. The Mamlatdar, his appointment.
12A. Additional Mamlatdars.
13. The Mahalkari, his duties and powers.
14. Mamlatdar or Mahalkari may depute subordinates to perform certain of his duties.
15. Mamlatdar or Mahalkari in case of temporary vacancy.
16. Appointment of village accountant and stipendiary patel.
17. Village Accountant to keep such records as he may be required to keep by the collector.
18. Survey Officers.
19. Combination of officers.
20. Certain officers' appointments to be notified.
22. Seals.
25. Demands for money, papers, etc. to be made known in writing to the person concerned.
26. Public moneys may also be recovered as arrears of revenue; and search warrant may be issued for recovery of papers or property.
27. Surety to be liable in the same manner as principal.
28. An officer or surety in jail may, by furnishing certain security, obtain his release.
29. Liability of surety not affected by death of principal or by his taking a different appointment.
30. How surety may withdraw from further liability.
37. All public roads, etc., and all lands which are not the property of others, belong to the Government.
37A. Extinction of rights of public and individuals in or over any public road, lane or path not required for use of public.
38. Lands may be assigned for special purposes, and when assigned shall not be otherwise used without sanction of the Collector.
39. Regulation of use of pasturage.
39A. Recovering value of natural products unauthorizedly removed from certain lands.
40. Concession of Government rights to trees in case of settlements completed before the passing of this Act.
41. Trees and forests vesting in the Government.
42. Roadside tress.
43. Recovery of value of trees, etc. unauthorizedly appropriated.
44. Regulation of supply of firewood and timber for domestic or other purposes.
45. All land liable to pay revenue unless specially exempted.
46. Liability of alluvial lands to land revenue.
47. Assessment of land revenue in cases of diluvion.
48. Manner of assessment and alteration of assessmentProhibition of use of land for certain purposes.
49. Commuted assessment of land indirectly taxed to the State.
50. Superior holder may recover commuted assessment from inferior holder.
51. Excess of assessment may be laid on land inadequately assessed held with it.
52. Assessment by whom to be fixed.
53. Register of alienated lands.
54. Settlement of assessment to be made with the holder directly from State Government.
55. Rates for the use of water.
56. Land revenue to be a paramount charge on the land.
57. Forfeited holdings may be taken possession of and otherwise disposed.
58. Receipts.
59. Penalty for failure to grant receipts.
60. Written permission of Mamlatdar or Mahalkari required previous to taking up unoccupied land.
61. Penalties for unauthorized occupation of land.
62. Unoccupied land may be granted on conditions.
63. Grant of alluvial land vesting in the Government.
64. Temporary right to alluvial lands of small extent.
65. Uses to which occupant of land for purposes of agriculture may put his land.
65A. Procedure if occupant wishes to apply his land from one nonagricultural purpose to another nonagricultural purpose.
65B. Use of certain lands for bona fide industrial purpose.
66. Penalty for using land without Permission.
67. Permission may be granted on terms.
67A. Payment of conversion tax by occupant for change of use of land in certain areas.
68. Occupant's rights are conditional.
69. Reservation of right of the Government to mines and mineral products.
69A. Vesting of rights to Mines and Mineral Products in the State Government.
70. Occupancy when not liable to process of Civil Court; the Court to give effect to Collector's certificate.
72. Intestate occupancy or holding to be sold.
73. Occupancy to be transferable and heritable.
73A. Power to restrict right of transfer.
73AA. Restriction on transfer of occupancies of tribals to tribals or nontribals.
73AB. Rights of occupant to mortgage his occupancy in favour of State Government and certain institution.
73AC. Bar of jurisdiction of Civil Courts.
73AD. Restriction on registration of documents.
73B. Payment of premium for sanctioning transfer or partition of occupancy.
74. Relinquishment.
76. Relinquishment of land described in paragraph 1 of section 49.
77. Right of way to relinquish land.
78. Saving of operation of section 74 in certain cases.
79A. Summary eviction of person unauthorizedly occupying land.
80. To prevent forfeiture of occupancy certain persons other than the occupant may pay the land revenue. Collector may assist such persons in recovering the revenue from other parties liable therefor.
82. State Government empowered to suspend operation of section 60 or 74.
83. Amount of rent payable by tenant.
84. Annual tenancy terminates on the 31st March.
84IA. Sections 83 and 84 not to apply to certain tenancies.
84A. Order granting suspensions or remission to inferior holders.
85. Recovery of superior holders' dues.
86. Superior holders entitled to assistance in recovery of dues from inferior holders, etc.
87. The Collector how to proceed on such application being made.
94A. Recovery as revenue demand of dues of certain superior holders for specified period.
95. Revenue survey may be introduced by State Government into any part of area to which this Act extends.
96. Survey Officer may require by general notice or by summons, suitable service from holders of land, etc.
97. Assistance to be given by holders and others in the measurement or classification of lands.
98. Survey numbers not to be of less than a certain extent.
105. The fixing of assessment under this Act limited to ordinary land revenue.
106. State Government may direct a fresh survey and revision of assessment.
108. Preparation of statistical and fiscal records.
111. Revenue management of villages or estates not belonging to the Government that may be temporarily under the management of State Government.
112. Maintenance of existing settlements of land revenue.
113. Partition.
116. Division of survey numbers into new survey numbers.
117A. Division of survey into Subdivision.
117B. Provisions applicable on relinquishment or forfeiture of a subdivision.
117C. Interpretation section. Settlement.
117D. Government may direct an original or revision settlement of land revenue of any lands.
117E. The term of settlement.
117G. Assessment how determined.
117H. Increase in average yield due to improvements and at the expense of holders not to be taken into account.
117I. Settlement Officer how to proceed for making a settlement.
117J. Settlement report to be printed and published.
117K. Submission to Government of settlement report with statement of objections etc. and Collector's opinion, thereon.
117KK. Reference to Revenue Tribunal.
117L. Settlement report to be laid on table of Legislature and copies to be supplied to the members thereof.
117M. Power of State Government to place surcharge or grant rebate after every ten years.
117N. Power to Government to exempt from assessment for water advantages.
117O. Introduction of settlement.
117P. Assessment of lands wholly exempt from payment of land revenue.
117Q. Power to Government to direct assessment for water advantages.
117R. Settlement made before this Act to be deemed to be made under this Chapter.
118. Determination of village boundaries.
119. Determination of field boundaries.
120. Settlement of boundary disputes by arbitration.
121. Effect of the settlement of a boundary.
122. Construction and repair of boundary marks of survey numbers and villages.
123. Responsibility for the maintenance of boundary marks.
124. Collector to have charge of boundar.
125. Penalty for injuring boundary marks.
126. Limits of sites of villages, towns and cities how to be fixed.
127. Act XI of 1852 and Bombay Acts II and VII of 1863 how far applicable to lands in such sites.
128. Existing exemption when to be continued in case of certain lands in towns and cities in which Bombay Act IV of 1868 has been in operation.
129. Right to exemption to be determined by the Collector.
130. Occupancy price payable, in addition to assessment in certain cases.
131. Survey of lands in such sites how to be conducted.
132. In certain cases a surveyfee to be charged.
133. Sanad to be granted without extra charge.
134. Assessment of lands hitherto used for purpose of agriculture only used for other purposes.
135A. Exemption from provisions of this chapter.
135B. The record of rights.
135C. Acquisition of rights to be reported.
135D. Register of mutations and register of disputed cases.
135E. Obligation to furnish information.
135F. Penalty for neglect to afford information.
135G. Requisition of assistance in preparation of maps.
135H. Certified copy of record to be annexed to plaint or application.
135I. Refusal of assistance under section 87.
135J. Presumption of correctness of entries in record of rights and register of mutations.
135K. Certified copies.
135L. Bar of Suits and exclusion of Chapter XIII.
135LL. Application.
135M. Preparation and supply of agriculturist passbook.
135N. Agriculturist passbook to accompany application for financial assistance.
135O. Entries in agriculturist passbook by banks.
135OO. Document for registration of transfer of agricultural land to accompany the agriculturist passbook.
135OOO. Responsibility of competent authority.
135P. Agriculturists passbook to be kept uptodate.
135Q. Duplicate agriculturist passbook to be kept uptodate.
135R. Mode of proof of entries in agriculturist passbook.
135S. Penalty for contravention of section of 135P.
135T. Penalty for unauthorised alteration in passbook or furnishing false information.
136. Liability for land revenue.
137. Claims of State Government to have precedence over all others.
138. The liability of the crop for the revenue of the land.
139. Land revenue may be levied at any time during the revenue year.
140. Removal of crop which has been sold, etc., may be prevented until revenue paid.
141. In order to secure the land revenue the Collector may prevent the reaping of the crop, or.
142. Collector's orders under last section how to be made known.
143. Reaping, etc. not to be unduly deferred.
144. Temporary attachment and management of a village or share of a village.
145. Precautionary measures to be relinquished on security being furnished.
146. State Government to determine the dates, etc. on which land revenue shall be payable.
147. Arrear defaulters.
148. Liabilities incurred by default.
149. Certified account to be evidence as to arrears.
150. Process for recovery of arrears.
151. Revenue demands of former years how recoverable.
152. When notice of demand may issue.
153. The occupancy or alienated holding for which arrear is due may be forfeited.
154. Distraint and sale of defaulter's movable property.
155. Sale of defaulter's immoveable property.
156. Exemption from distraint and sale.
157. Arrest and detention of defaulter.
158. Power of arrest by whom to be exercised.
159. Power to attach defaulter's village, and take it under management.
160. Lands of such village to revert free of incumbrances.
161. Application of surplus profits.
162. Restoration of village so attached.
163. Village etc., to vest in the State Government if not redeemed within twelve years.
164. But all processes to be stayed on security being given.
165. Procedure in effecting sales.
166. Notification of sales.
167. Sale by whom to be made.
168. Sale of perishable articles.
169. When sale may be stayed.
170. Sales of movable property when liable to confirmation.
171. Mode of payment for movable property when sale is concluded at once.
172. Ditto when sale is subject to confirmation.
173. Deposit by purchaser in case of sale of immovable property.
174. Purchasemoney when to be paid.
175. Effect of default.
176. Liability of purchaser for loss by resale.
177. Notification before resale.
178. Application to set aside sale.
179. Order confirming or setting aside sale.
180. Refund of deposit or purchasemoney when sale set aside.
181. On confirmation of sale, purchaser to be put in possession. Certificate of purchase.
182. Bar of suit against certified purchaser.
183. Application of proceeds of sale.
184. Surplus not to be paid to creditors, except under order of Court.
185. Certified purchaser liable only for land revenue subsequently.
186. Claims to attached movable property how to be disposed of.
187. What moneys leviable under the provisions of this Chapter.
188. Subordination of revenue officers.
189. Power to summon persons to give evidence and produce documents.
190. Summons to be in writing signed and sealed.
191. Mode of serving notices.
192. Procedure for procuring attendance of witnesses.
193. Mode of taking evidence in formal inquiries.
194. Writing and explanation of decisions.
195. Summary inquiries, how to be conducted.
196. Formal and summary inquiries to be deemed judicial proceedings.
197. Ordinary inquiries how to be conducted.
198. Copies and translation, etc. how to be obtained.
199. Arrest of a defaulter to be made upon a warrant.
200. Power of revenue officer to enter upon any lands or premises for purposes of measurement, etc.
201. State Government to determine the language of a district.
202. Collector how to proceed in order to evict any person wrongfully in possession of land.
203. Appeal to lie from any order passed by a revenue officer to his superior.
204. Appeal when to lie to the State Government.
205. Periods within which appeals must be brought.
206. Admission of appeal after period of limitation.
207. Provision where last day for appeal falls on a Sunday or a holiday.
208. Copy of order to accompany petition of appeal.
209. Powers of appellate authority.
210. Power to suspend execution of order of subordinate officers.
211. Power of State Government and of certain revenue officers to call for and examine records and proceedings of subordinate officers.
212. Rules as to decisions or orders expressly made final.
213. Maps and land records open to inspection. Extracts and copies shall be given.
214. Rules.
215. Penalty for breach of rules.
216. Chapters VIII to X to apply to alienated villages.
217. Holders of land in alienated villages.
218. Construction of this Act.
218A. Repeal of Bombay V of 1879 as in force in the Kutch area of the State of Gujarat.
The Bombay Land Revenue Code, 1879
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